fix locale

This commit is contained in:
NoriDev 2023-09-22 16:21:46 +09:00
parent 7e20164a5e
commit 0c9c509d2f
5 changed files with 72 additions and 68 deletions

View file

@ -4,10 +4,8 @@ disabledServerMachineStats: "The 'Publish server hardware stats' setting is turn
replayUserSetupDialog: "Replay initial setting"
replayTutorial: "Replay tutorial"
nya: "Nyan!"
displayHeaderNavBarWhenScroll: "Show elements when scrolling (header, floating buttons, navigation bar)"
addSingle: "Add just one"
addMultiple: "Add multiple"
showRenoteConfirmPopup: "Show confirmation popup when renote"
showSubNoteFooterButton: "Show action buttons in subnotes"
showSubNoteFooterButtonDescription: "Enabling this setting will show an action button on the parent note of the replied-to note."
alreadyFollowed: "You've been followed!"
@ -31,10 +29,6 @@ friendlyEnableWidgets: "Enable/Disable the widgets area"
useBoldFont: "Bold Text"
newNoteReceivedNotification: "When receive a new note notification"
disableRightClick: "Prohibit right click"
useEnterToSend: "Press Enter to send"
useEnterToSendDescription: "When the option is enabled, you can use the Shift + Enter key for line break."
postFormVisibilityHotkey: "Toggle visibility with a hotkey"
postFormVisibilityHotkeyDescription: "When writing a note, press Ctrl(control) + Shift to switch the visibility range. The hotkey to make it Local only is Ctrl(command or control) + Alt(option)."
cherrypickUpdatedCacheClearTitle: "Clear the cache?"
cherrypickUpdatedCacheClear: "It is <b>recommended to clear the cache</b> after the client is updated, as changes such as theme, color, and locale may not be reflected properly.\nYour account login status remains the same!"
cherrypickUpdatedCacheClearLater: "If you want to clear the cache later, you can do it in <b>Settings</b> - <b>Clear Cache</b>!"
@ -1212,10 +1206,24 @@ _cherrypick:
functionDescription: "Enables or disables proprietary features that CherryPick adds."
nickname: "Nickname function"
nicknameDescription: "On the user page, you can change the user's name to anything you like by clicking or tapping on it. The change will be reflected only to you.\nThis can be used to identify users who change their names frequently."
useEnterToSend: "Press Enter to send"
useEnterToSendDescription: "When the option is enabled, you can use the Shift + Enter key for line break."
postFormVisibilityHotkey: "Toggle visibility with a hotkey"
postFormVisibilityHotkeyDescription: "When writing a note, press Ctrl(control) + Shift to switch the visibility range. The hotkey to make it Local only is Ctrl(command or control) + Alt(option)."
showRenoteConfirmPopup: "Show confirmation popup when renote"
showRenoteConfirmPopupDescription: "This setting must have the \"Show renote and quote buttons separately\" setting turned on."
displayHeaderNavBarWhenScroll: "Show elements when scrolling (header, floating buttons, navigation bar)"
all: "Display all"
hideHeaderOnly: "Hide header only"
hideHeaderFloatBtn: "Hide header and floating buttons"
hideFloatBtnOnly: "Hide floating buttons only"
hideFloatBtnNavBar: "Hide floating buttons and navigation bar"
hide: "Hide All"
patch: "Patch"
patchDescription: "Make changes to Misskey's functionality"
infoButtonForNoteActions: "Show detail view button in the note"
infoButtonForNoteActionsDescription: "Applies when the option「Only show note actions on hover」is turned on."
infoButtonForNoteActionsDescription: "Applies when the option \"Only show note actions on hover\" is turned on."
rememberPostFormToggleState: "Remember to turn preview on/off in the note post form"
reactableRemoteReaction: "Allow remote custom emoji reactions to react if there is an emoji with the same name on this server."
showFollowingMessageInsteadOfButton: "Do not show the follow button in the notification field if you are already following someone"
@ -1223,14 +1231,7 @@ _cherrypick:
renameTheButtonInPostFormToNya: "Change the \"Note\" button on the note-posting form to \"Nyan!\""
renameTheButtonInPostFormToNyaDescription: "Outside of the note-posting form, they are still as \"Note\"."
showReplyInNotification: "Show parent note of notes with replies in notifications"
renoteQuoteButtonSeparation: "Separate Renote and Quote buttons"
all: "Display all"
hideHeaderOnly: "Hide header only"
hideHeaderFloatBtn: "Hide header and floating buttons"
hideFloatBtnOnly: "Hide floating buttons only"
hideFloatBtnNavBar: "Hide floating buttons and navigation bar"
hide: "Hide All"
renoteQuoteButtonSeparation: "Show renote and quote buttons separately"
all: "All"
topBottom: "Top and Bottom"

locales/index.d.ts vendored
View file

@ -7,10 +7,8 @@ export interface Locale {
"replayUserSetupDialog": string;
"replayTutorial": string;
"nya": string;
"displayHeaderNavBarWhenScroll": string;
"addSingle": string;
"addMultiple": string;
"showRenoteConfirmPopup": string;
"showSubNoteFooterButton": string;
"showSubNoteFooterButtonDescription": string;
"alreadyFollowed": string;
@ -34,10 +32,6 @@ export interface Locale {
"useBoldFont": string;
"newNoteReceivedNotification": string;
"disableRightClick": string;
"useEnterToSend": string;
"useEnterToSendDescription": string;
"postFormVisibilityHotkey": string;
"postFormVisibilityHotkeyDescription": string;
"cherrypickUpdatedCacheClearTitle": string;
"cherrypickUpdatedCacheClear": string;
"cherrypickUpdatedCacheClearLater": string;
@ -1223,6 +1217,21 @@ export interface Locale {
"functionDescription": string;
"nickname": string;
"nicknameDescription": string;
"useEnterToSend": string;
"useEnterToSendDescription": string;
"postFormVisibilityHotkey": string;
"postFormVisibilityHotkeyDescription": string;
"showRenoteConfirmPopup": string;
"showRenoteConfirmPopupDescription": string;
"displayHeaderNavBarWhenScroll": string;
"_displayHeaderNavBarWhenScroll": {
"all": string;
"hideHeaderOnly": string;
"hideHeaderFloatBtn": string;
"hideFloatBtnOnly": string;
"hideFloatBtnNavBar": string;
"hide": string;
"patch": string;
"patchDescription": string;
"infoButtonForNoteActions": string;
@ -1236,14 +1245,6 @@ export interface Locale {
"showReplyInNotification": string;
"renoteQuoteButtonSeparation": string;
"_displayHeaderNavBarWhenScroll": {
"all": string;
"hideHeaderOnly": string;
"hideHeaderFloatBtn": string;
"hideFloatBtnOnly": string;
"hideFloatBtnNavBar": string;
"hide": string;
"_bannerDisplay": {
"all": string;
"topBottom": string;

View file

@ -4,10 +4,8 @@ disabledServerMachineStats: "「サーバーのマシン情報を公開する」
replayUserSetupDialog: "初期設定のリプレイ"
replayTutorial: "チュートリアルのリプレイ"
nya: "にゃん!"
displayHeaderNavBarWhenScroll: "スクロール時の要素表示(ヘッダー、フローティングボタン、ナビゲーションバー)"
addSingle: "一つだけ追加"
addMultiple: "複数追加"
showRenoteConfirmPopup: "Renoteするときに確認ポップアップを表示"
showSubNoteFooterButton: "サブノートにアクションボタンを表示"
showSubNoteFooterButtonDescription: "この設定を有効にすると、返信があるノートの親ノートにアクションボタンを表示します。"
alreadyFollowed: "フォローしました!"
@ -31,10 +29,6 @@ friendlyEnableWidgets: "ウィジェット領域を有効化/無効化"
useBoldFont: "文字を太くする"
newNoteReceivedNotification: "新しいノート通知を表示するとき"
disableRightClick: "右クリックを禁止"
useEnterToSend: "Enterキーを押して送信"
useEnterToSendDescription: "オプションを有効にすると、行替えはShiftEnterキーでできます。"
postFormVisibilityHotkey: "ショートカットキーで公開範囲を切り替える"
postFormVisibilityHotkeyDescription: "ートを作成する際、Ctrl(control) + Shiftキーを押すと公開範囲を切り替えることができます。ローカルのみショートカットキーは、Ctrl(commandまたはcontrol) + Alt(option)キーです。"
cherrypickUpdatedCacheClearTitle: "キャッシュをクリアしましょうか?"
cherrypickUpdatedCacheClear: "テーマや色、ロケールなどの変更が正しく反映されない可能性があるため、クライアントが更新されたら<b>キャッシュをクリアすることをお勧め</b>します。\nアカウントログイン状態はそのまま維持されます"
cherrypickUpdatedCacheClearLater: "あとでキャッシュをクリアするには、<b>設定</b> - <b>キャッシュをクリア</b>でできます!"
@ -1221,6 +1215,20 @@ _cherrypick:
functionDescription: "CherryPickが追加する独自機能を有効・無効にします。"
nickname: "ニックネーム機能"
nicknameDescription: "ユーザーページにて、ユーザーの名前をクリック/タップすることで好きなものに変更できるようになります。変更は自分にのみ反映されます。\n頻繁に名前を変更するユーザーを識別するときなどに使えます。"
useEnterToSend: "Enterキーを押して送信"
useEnterToSendDescription: "オプションを有効にすると、行替えはShiftEnterキーでできます。"
postFormVisibilityHotkey: "ショートカットキーで公開範囲を切り替える"
postFormVisibilityHotkeyDescription: "ートを作成する際、Ctrl(control) + Shiftキーを押すと公開範囲を切り替えることができます。ローカルのみショートカットキーは、Ctrl(commandまたはcontrol) + Alt(option)キーです。"
showRenoteConfirmPopup: "Renoteするときに確認ポップアップを表示"
showRenoteConfirmPopupDescription: "この設定は「リノートと引用ボタンを分けて表示する」設定がオンになっている必要があります。"
displayHeaderNavBarWhenScroll: "スクロール時の要素表示(ヘッダー、フローティングボタン、ナビゲーションバー)"
all: "全て表示"
hideHeaderOnly: "ヘッダーだけを隠す"
hideHeaderFloatBtn: "ヘッダーとフローティングボタンを隠す"
hideFloatBtnOnly: "フローティングボタンだけを隠す"
hideFloatBtnNavBar: "フローティングボタンとナビゲーションバーを隠す"
hide: "全て隠す"
patch: "パッチ"
patchDescription: "Misskeyの機能に変更を加えます。"
infoButtonForNoteActions: "ノートに詳細表示ボタンを表示する"
@ -1234,14 +1242,6 @@ _cherrypick:
showReplyInNotification: "通知で返信があるノートの親ノートを表示する"
renoteQuoteButtonSeparation: "リノートと引用ボタンを分けて表示する"
all: "全て表示"
hideHeaderOnly: "ヘッダーだけを隠す"
hideHeaderFloatBtn: "ヘッダーとフローティングボタンを隠す"
hideFloatBtnOnly: "フローティングボタンだけを隠す"
hideFloatBtnNavBar: "フローティングボタンとナビゲーションバーを隠す"
hide: "全て隠す"
all: "全て"
topBottom: "上部と下部"

View file

@ -4,10 +4,8 @@ disabledServerMachineStats: "'서버의 머신 사양을 공개하기' 설정이
replayUserSetupDialog: "초기 설정 다시 보기"
replayTutorial: "튜토리얼 다시 보기"
nya: "냥!"
displayHeaderNavBarWhenScroll: "스크롤 시 요소 표시 (헤더, 플로팅 버튼, 탐색 모음)"
addSingle: "하나만 추가"
addMultiple: "여러 개 추가"
showRenoteConfirmPopup: "리노트할 때 확인 팝업 표시"
showSubNoteFooterButton: "서브 노트에 액션 버튼 표시"
showSubNoteFooterButtonDescription: "이 설정을 활성화하면 답글이 달린 노트의 상위 노트에 액션 버튼을 표시해요."
alreadyFollowed: "팔로우 했어요!"
@ -31,10 +29,6 @@ friendlyEnableWidgets: "위젯 영역 활성화/비활성화"
useBoldFont: "볼드체 텍스트"
newNoteReceivedNotification: "새 노트 알림을 표시할 때"
disableRightClick: "우클릭 방지"
useEnterToSend: "Enter 키를 눌러 보내기"
useEnterToSendDescription: "옵션을 활성화하면 줄 바꿈은 Shift + Enter 키로 할 수 있어요."
postFormVisibilityHotkey: "단축키로 공개 범위 전환하기"
postFormVisibilityHotkeyDescription: "노트를 작성할 때, Ctrl(control) + Shift 키를 누르면 공개 범위를 전환할 수 있어요. 로컬에만 보이게 하는 단축키는 Ctrl(command 또는 control) + Alt(option) 키에요."
cherrypickUpdatedCacheClearTitle: "캐시를 지울까요?"
cherrypickUpdatedCacheClear: "테마 및 색상, 로케일 등의 변경 사항이 제대로 반영되지 않을 수 있기 때문에, 클라이언트가 업데이트되면 <b>캐시를 지울 것을 권장</b>해요.\n계정 로그인 상태는 그대로 유지돼요!"
cherrypickUpdatedCacheClearLater: "나중에 캐시를 지우려면 <b>설정</b> - <b>캐시 지우기</b>에서 할 수 있어요!"
@ -1208,6 +1202,20 @@ _cherrypick:
functionDescription: "CherryPick이 추가하는 고유 기능을 활성화/비활성화할 수 있어요."
nickname: "닉네임 기능"
nicknameDescription: "유저 페이지에서 이름을 클릭 또는 탭하여 원하는 이름으로 변경할 수 있어요. 변경한 이름은 자신에게만 반영돼요.\n자주 이름을 바꾸는 사용자를 식별하는 데 사용할 수 있어요."
useEnterToSend: "Enter 키를 눌러 보내기"
useEnterToSendDescription: "옵션을 활성화하면 줄 바꿈은 Shift + Enter 키로 할 수 있어요."
postFormVisibilityHotkey: "단축키로 공개 범위 전환하기"
postFormVisibilityHotkeyDescription: "노트를 작성할 때, Ctrl(control) + Shift 키를 누르면 공개 범위를 전환할 수 있어요. 로컬에만 보이게 하는 단축키는 Ctrl(command 또는 control) + Alt(option) 키에요."
showRenoteConfirmPopup: "리노트할 때 확인 팝업 표시"
showRenoteConfirmPopupDescription: "이 설정은 '리노트와 인용 버튼을 분리해서 표시하기' 설정이 켜져 있어야 해요."
displayHeaderNavBarWhenScroll: "스크롤 시 요소 표시 (헤더, 플로팅 버튼, 탐색 모음)"
all: "모두 표시"
hideHeaderOnly: "헤더만 숨기기"
hideHeaderFloatBtn: "헤더와 플로팅 버튼 숨기기"
hideFloatBtnOnly: "플로팅 버튼만 숨기기"
hideFloatBtnNavBar: "플로팅 버튼과 탐색 모음 숨기기"
hide: "모두 숨기기"
patch: "패치"
patchDescription: "Misskey의 기능을 변경해요."
infoButtonForNoteActions: "노트에 자세히 버튼 표시"
@ -1220,13 +1228,6 @@ _cherrypick:
renameTheButtonInPostFormToNyaDescription: "냐앙냥냥냥냐냥?"
showReplyInNotification: "알림에서 답글이 달린 노트의 상위 노트 표시하기"
renoteQuoteButtonSeparation: "리노트와 인용 버튼을 분리해서 표시하기"
all: "모두 표시"
hideHeaderOnly: "헤더만 숨기기"
hideHeaderFloatBtn: "헤더와 플로팅 버튼 숨기기"
hideFloatBtnOnly: "플로팅 버튼만 숨기기"
hideFloatBtnNavBar: "플로팅 버튼과 탐색 모음 숨기기"
hide: "모두 숨기기"
all: "전부"
topBottom: "상단 및 하단"

View file

@ -17,27 +17,28 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
<div class="_gaps_s">
<MkSwitch v-model="useEnterToSend">
<template #label>{{ i18n.ts.useEnterToSend }}</template>
<template #caption>{{ i18n.ts.useEnterToSendDescription }}</template>
<template #label>{{ i18n.ts._cherrypick.useEnterToSend }}</template>
<template #caption>{{ i18n.ts._cherrypick.useEnterToSendDescription }}</template>
<MkSwitch v-model="postFormVisibilityHotkey">
<template #label>{{ i18n.ts.postFormVisibilityHotkey }}</template>
<template #caption>{{ i18n.ts.postFormVisibilityHotkeyDescription }}</template>
<template #label>{{ i18n.ts._cherrypick.postFormVisibilityHotkey }}</template>
<template #caption>{{ i18n.ts._cherrypick.postFormVisibilityHotkeyDescription }}</template>
<MkSwitch v-model="showRenoteConfirmPopup">
<template #label>{{ i18n.ts.showRenoteConfirmPopup }}</template>
<template #label>{{ i18n.ts._cherrypick.showRenoteConfirmPopup }}</template>
<template #caption>{{ i18n.ts._cherrypick.showRenoteConfirmPopupDescription }}</template>
<MkRadios v-model="displayHeaderNavBarWhenScroll">
<template #label>{{ i18n.ts.displayHeaderNavBarWhenScroll }}</template>
<option value="all">{{ i18n.ts._displayHeaderNavBarWhenScroll.all }}</option>
<option value="hideHeaderOnly">{{ i18n.ts._displayHeaderNavBarWhenScroll.hideHeaderOnly }}</option>
<option value="hideHeaderFloatBtn">{{ i18n.ts._displayHeaderNavBarWhenScroll.hideHeaderFloatBtn }}</option>
<option value="hideFloatBtnOnly">{{ i18n.ts._displayHeaderNavBarWhenScroll.hideFloatBtnOnly }}</option>
<option value="hideFloatBtnNavBar">{{ i18n.ts._displayHeaderNavBarWhenScroll.hideFloatBtnNavBar }}</option>
<option value="hide">{{ i18n.ts._displayHeaderNavBarWhenScroll.hide }}</option>
<template #label>{{ i18n.ts._cherrypick.displayHeaderNavBarWhenScroll }}</template>
<option value="all">{{ i18n.ts._cherrypick._displayHeaderNavBarWhenScroll.all }}</option>
<option value="hideHeaderOnly">{{ i18n.ts._cherrypick._displayHeaderNavBarWhenScroll.hideHeaderOnly }}</option>
<option value="hideHeaderFloatBtn">{{ i18n.ts._cherrypick._displayHeaderNavBarWhenScroll.hideHeaderFloatBtn }}</option>
<option value="hideFloatBtnOnly">{{ i18n.ts._cherrypick._displayHeaderNavBarWhenScroll.hideFloatBtnOnly }}</option>
<option value="hideFloatBtnNavBar">{{ i18n.ts._cherrypick._displayHeaderNavBarWhenScroll.hideFloatBtnNavBar }}</option>
<option value="hide">{{ i18n.ts._cherrypick._displayHeaderNavBarWhenScroll.hide }}</option>