diff --git a/packages/frontend/lib/rollup-plugin-unwind-css-module-class-name.test.ts b/packages/frontend/lib/rollup-plugin-unwind-css-module-class-name.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3929bf0608 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/frontend/lib/rollup-plugin-unwind-css-module-class-name.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,597 @@ +import { parse } from 'acorn'; +import { generate } from 'astring'; +import { describe, expect, it } from 'vitest'; +import { normalizeClass, unwindCssModuleClassName } from './rollup-plugin-unwind-css-module-class-name'; +import type * as estree from 'estree'; + +function parseExpression(code: string): estree.Expression { + const program = parse(code, { ecmaVersion: 'latest', sourceType: 'module' }) as unknown as estree.Program; + const statement = program.body[0] as estree.ExpressionStatement; + return statement.expression; +} + +describe(normalizeClass.name, () => { + it('should normalize string', () => { + expect(normalizeClass(parseExpression('"a b c"'))).toBe('a b c'); + }); + it('should trim redundant spaces', () => { + expect(normalizeClass(parseExpression('" a b c "'))).toBe('a b c'); + }); + it('should ignore undefined', () => { + expect(normalizeClass(parseExpression('undefined'))).toBe(''); + }); + it('should ignore non string literals', () => { + expect(normalizeClass(parseExpression('0'))).toBe(''); + expect(normalizeClass(parseExpression('true'))).toBe(''); + expect(normalizeClass(parseExpression('null'))).toBe(''); + expect(normalizeClass(parseExpression('/I.D/'))).toBe(''); + }); + it('should not normalize identifiers', () => { + expect(normalizeClass(parseExpression('EScape'))).toBeNull(); + }); + it('should normalize recursively array', () => { + expect(normalizeClass(parseExpression('["from", ...["Utopia"]]'))).toBe('from Utopia'); + expect(normalizeClass(parseExpression('["from", ...[Utopia]]'))).toBeNull(); + }); + it('should normalize recursively template literal', () => { + expect(normalizeClass(parseExpression('`name ${"shiho"} code ${33}`'))).toBe('name shiho code'); + expect(normalizeClass(parseExpression('`name ${shiho.name} code ${33}`'))).toBeNull(); + }); + it('should normalize recursively binary expression', () => { + expect(normalizeClass(parseExpression('"mirage" + "mirror"'))).toBe('miragemirror'); + expect(normalizeClass(parseExpression('"mirage" + mirror'))).toBeNull(); + }); + it('should normalize recursively object expression', () => { + expect(normalizeClass(parseExpression('({ a: true, b: "c" })'))).toBe('a b'); + expect(normalizeClass(parseExpression('({ a: false, b: "c" })'))).toBe('b'); + expect(normalizeClass(parseExpression('({ a: true, b: c })'))).toBeNull(); + expect(normalizeClass(parseExpression('({ a: true, b: "c", ...({ d: true }) })'))).toBe('a b d'); + expect(normalizeClass(parseExpression('({ a: true, [b]: "c" })'))).toBeNull(); + expect(normalizeClass(parseExpression('({ a: true, b: false, c: !false, d: !!0 })'))).toBe('a c'); + }); +}); + +it('Composition API (standard)', () => { + const ast = parse(` +import { c as api, d as defaultStore, i as i18n, aD as notePage, bN as ImgWithBlurhash, bY as getStaticImageUrl, _ as _export_sfc } from './app-!~{001}~.js'; +import { M as MkContainer } from './MkContainer-!~{03M}~.js'; +import { b as defineComponent, a as ref, e as onMounted, z as resolveComponent, g as openBlock, h as createBlock, i as withCtx, K as createTextVNode, E as toDisplayString, u as unref, l as createBaseVNode, q as normalizeClass, B as createCommentVNode, k as createElementBlock, F as Fragment, C as renderList, A as createVNode } from './vue-!~{002}~.js'; +import './photoswipe-!~{003}~.js'; + +const _hoisted_1 = /* @__PURE__ */ createBaseVNode("i", { class: "ti ti-photo" }, null, -1); +const _sfc_main = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({ + __name: "index.photos", + props: { + user: {} + }, + setup(__props) { + const props = __props; + let fetching = ref(true); + let images = ref([]); + function thumbnail(image) { + return defaultStore.state.disableShowingAnimatedImages ? getStaticImageUrl(image.url) : image.thumbnailUrl; + } + onMounted(() => { + const image = [ + "image/jpeg", + "image/webp", + "image/avif", + "image/png", + "image/gif", + "image/apng", + "image/vnd.mozilla.apng" + ]; + api("users/notes", { + userId: props.user.id, + fileType: image, + excludeNsfw: defaultStore.state.nsfw !== "ignore", + limit: 10 + }).then((notes) => { + for (const note of notes) { + for (const file of note.files) { + images.value.push({ + note, + file + }); + } + } + fetching.value = false; + }); + }); + return (_ctx, _cache) => { + const _component_MkLoading = resolveComponent("MkLoading"); + const _component_MkA = resolveComponent("MkA"); + return openBlock(), createBlock(MkContainer, { + "max-height": 300, + foldable: true + }, { + icon: withCtx(() => [ + _hoisted_1 + ]), + header: withCtx(() => [ + createTextVNode(toDisplayString(unref(i18n).ts.images), 1) + ]), + default: withCtx(() => [ + createBaseVNode("div", { + class: normalizeClass(_ctx.$style.root) + }, [ + unref(fetching) ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_component_MkLoading, { key: 0 })) : createCommentVNode("", true), + !unref(fetching) && unref(images).length > 0 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", { + key: 1, + class: normalizeClass(_ctx.$style.stream) + }, [ + (openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(images), (image) => { + return openBlock(), createBlock(_component_MkA, { + key: image.note.id + image.file.id, + class: normalizeClass(_ctx.$style.img), + to: unref(notePage)(image.note) + }, { + default: withCtx(() => [ + createVNode(ImgWithBlurhash, { + hash: image.file.blurhash, + src: thumbnail(image.file), + title: image.file.name + }, null, 8, ["hash", "src", "title"]) + ]), + _: 2 + }, 1032, ["class", "to"]); + }), 128)) + ], 2)) : createCommentVNode("", true), + !unref(fetching) && unref(images).length == 0 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("p", { + key: 2, + class: normalizeClass(_ctx.$style.empty) + }, toDisplayString(unref(i18n).ts.nothing), 3)) : createCommentVNode("", true) + ], 2) + ]), + _: 1 + }); + }; + } +}); + +const root = "xenMW"; +const stream = "xaZzf"; +const img = "xtA8t"; +const empty = "xhYKj"; +const style0 = { + root: root, + stream: stream, + img: img, + empty: empty +}; + +const cssModules = { + "$style": style0 +}; +const index_photos = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main, [["__cssModules", cssModules]]); + +export { index_photos as default }; +`.slice(1), { ecmaVersion: 'latest', sourceType: 'module' }); + unwindCssModuleClassName(ast); + expect(generate(ast)).toBe(` +import {c as api, d as defaultStore, i as i18n, aD as notePage, bN as ImgWithBlurhash, bY as getStaticImageUrl, _ as _export_sfc} from './app-!~{001}~.js'; +import {M as MkContainer} from './MkContainer-!~{03M}~.js'; +import {b as defineComponent, a as ref, e as onMounted, z as resolveComponent, g as openBlock, h as createBlock, i as withCtx, K as createTextVNode, E as toDisplayString, u as unref, l as createBaseVNode, q as normalizeClass, B as createCommentVNode, k as createElementBlock, F as Fragment, C as renderList, A as createVNode} from './vue-!~{002}~.js'; +import './photoswipe-!~{003}~.js'; +const _hoisted_1 = createBaseVNode("i", { + class: "ti ti-photo" +}, null, -1); +const _sfc_main = defineComponent({ + __name: "index.photos", + props: { + user: {} + }, + setup(__props) { + const props = __props; + let fetching = ref(true); + let images = ref([]); + function thumbnail(image) { + return defaultStore.state.disableShowingAnimatedImages ? getStaticImageUrl(image.url) : image.thumbnailUrl; + } + onMounted(() => { + const image = ["image/jpeg", "image/webp", "image/avif", "image/png", "image/gif", "image/apng", "image/vnd.mozilla.apng"]; + api("users/notes", { + userId: props.user.id, + fileType: image, + excludeNsfw: defaultStore.state.nsfw !== "ignore", + limit: 10 + }).then(notes => { + for (const note of notes) { + for (const file of note.files) { + images.value.push({ + note, + file + }); + } + } + fetching.value = false; + }); + }); + return (_ctx, _cache) => { + const _component_MkLoading = resolveComponent("MkLoading"); + const _component_MkA = resolveComponent("MkA"); + return (openBlock(), createBlock(MkContainer, { + "max-height": 300, + foldable: true + }, { + icon: withCtx(() => [_hoisted_1]), + header: withCtx(() => [createTextVNode(toDisplayString(unref(i18n).ts.images), 1)]), + default: withCtx(() => [createBaseVNode("div", { + class: "xenMW" + }, [unref(fetching) ? (openBlock(), createBlock(_component_MkLoading, { + key: 0 + })) : createCommentVNode("", true), !unref(fetching) && unref(images).length > 0 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("div", { + key: 1, + class: "xaZzf" + }, [(openBlock(true), createElementBlock(Fragment, null, renderList(unref(images), image => { + return (openBlock(), createBlock(_component_MkA, { + key: image.note.id + image.file.id, + class: "xtA8t", + to: unref(notePage)(image.note) + }, { + default: withCtx(() => [createVNode(ImgWithBlurhash, { + hash: image.file.blurhash, + src: thumbnail(image.file), + title: image.file.name + }, null, 8, ["hash", "src", "title"])]), + _: 2 + }, 1032, ["class", "to"])); + }), 128))], 2)) : createCommentVNode("", true), !unref(fetching) && unref(images).length == 0 ? (openBlock(), createElementBlock("p", { + key: 2, + class: "xhYKj" + }, toDisplayString(unref(i18n).ts.nothing), 3)) : createCommentVNode("", true)], 2)]), + _: 1 + })); + }; + } +}); +const root = "xenMW"; +const stream = "xaZzf"; +const img = "xtA8t"; +const empty = "xhYKj"; +const style0 = { + root: root, + stream: stream, + img: img, + empty: empty +}; +const cssModules = { + "$style": style0 +}; +const index_photos = _sfc_main; +export {index_photos as default}; +`.slice(1)); +}); + +it('Composition API (with `useCssModule()`)', () => { + const ast = parse(` +import { a7 as getCurrentInstance, b as defineComponent, G as useCssModule, a1 as h, H as TransitionGroup } from './!~{002}~.js'; +import { d as defaultStore, aK as toast, b5 as MkAd, i as i18n, _ as _export_sfc } from './app-!~{001}~.js'; + +function isDebuggerEnabled(id) { + try { + return localStorage.getItem(\`DEBUG_\${id}\`) !== null; + } catch { + return false; + } +} +function stackTraceInstances() { + let instance = getCurrentInstance(); + const stack = []; + while (instance) { + stack.push(instance); + instance = instance.parent; + } + return stack; +} + +const _sfc_main = defineComponent({ + props: { + items: { + type: Array, + required: true + }, + direction: { + type: String, + required: false, + default: "down" + }, + reversed: { + type: Boolean, + required: false, + default: false + }, + noGap: { + type: Boolean, + required: false, + default: false + }, + ad: { + type: Boolean, + required: false, + default: false + } + }, + setup(props, { slots, expose }) { + const $style = useCssModule(); + function getDateText(time) { + const date = new Date(time).getDate(); + const month = new Date(time).getMonth() + 1; + return i18n.t("monthAndDay", { + month: month.toString(), + day: date.toString() + }); + } + if (props.items.length === 0) + return; + const renderChildrenImpl = () => props.items.map((item, i) => { + if (!slots || !slots.default) + return; + const el = slots.default({ + item + })[0]; + if (el.key == null && item.id) + el.key = item.id; + if (i !== props.items.length - 1 && new Date(item.createdAt).getDate() !== new Date(props.items[i + 1].createdAt).getDate()) { + const separator = h("div", { + class: $style["separator"], + key: item.id + ":separator" + }, h("p", { + class: $style["date"] + }, [ + h("span", { + class: $style["date-1"] + }, [ + h("i", { + class: \`ti ti-chevron-up \${$style["date-1-icon"]}\` + }), + getDateText(item.createdAt) + ]), + h("span", { + class: $style["date-2"] + }, [ + getDateText(props.items[i + 1].createdAt), + h("i", { + class: \`ti ti-chevron-down \${$style["date-2-icon"]}\` + }) + ]) + ])); + return [el, separator]; + } else { + if (props.ad && item._shouldInsertAd_) { + return [h(MkAd, { + key: item.id + ":ad", + prefer: ["horizontal", "horizontal-big"] + }), el]; + } else { + return el; + } + } + }); + const renderChildren = () => { + const children = renderChildrenImpl(); + if (isDebuggerEnabled(6864)) { + const nodes = children.flatMap((node) => node ?? []); + const keys = new Set(nodes.map((node) => node.key)); + if (keys.size !== nodes.length) { + const id = crypto.randomUUID(); + const instances = stackTraceInstances(); + toast(instances.reduce((a, c) => \`\${a} at \${c.type.name}\`, \`[DEBUG_6864 (\${id})]: \${nodes.length - keys.size} duplicated keys found\`)); + console.warn({ id, debugId: 6864, stack: instances }); + } + } + return children; + }; + function onBeforeLeave(el) { + el.style.top = \`\${el.offsetTop}px\`; + el.style.left = \`\${el.offsetLeft}px\`; + } + function onLeaveCanceled(el) { + el.style.top = ""; + el.style.left = ""; + } + return () => h( + defaultStore.state.animation ? TransitionGroup : "div", + { + class: { + [$style["date-separated-list"]]: true, + [$style["date-separated-list-nogap"]]: props.noGap, + [$style["reversed"]]: props.reversed, + [$style["direction-down"]]: props.direction === "down", + [$style["direction-up"]]: props.direction === "up" + }, + ...defaultStore.state.animation ? { + name: "list", + tag: "div", + onBeforeLeave, + onLeaveCanceled + } : {} + }, + { default: renderChildren } + ); + } +}); + +const reversed = "xxiZh"; +const separator = "xxeDx"; +const date = "xxawD"; +const style0 = { + "date-separated-list": "xfKPa", + "date-separated-list-nogap": "xf9zr", + "direction-up": "x7AeO", + "direction-down": "xBIqc", + reversed: reversed, + separator: separator, + date: date, + "date-1": "xwtmh", + "date-1-icon": "xsNPa", + "date-2": "x1xvw", + "date-2-icon": "x9ZiG" +}; + +const cssModules = { + "$style": style0 +}; +const MkDateSeparatedList = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main, [["__cssModules", cssModules]]); + +export { MkDateSeparatedList as M }; +`.slice(1), { ecmaVersion: 'latest', sourceType: 'module' }); + unwindCssModuleClassName(ast); + expect(generate(ast)).toBe(` +import {a7 as getCurrentInstance, b as defineComponent, G as useCssModule, a1 as h, H as TransitionGroup} from './!~{002}~.js'; +import {d as defaultStore, aK as toast, b5 as MkAd, i as i18n, _ as _export_sfc} from './app-!~{001}~.js'; +function isDebuggerEnabled(id) { + try { + return localStorage.getItem(\`DEBUG_\${id}\`) !== null; + } catch { + return false; + } +} +function stackTraceInstances() { + let instance = getCurrentInstance(); + const stack = []; + while (instance) { + stack.push(instance); + instance = instance.parent; + } + return stack; +} +const _sfc_main = defineComponent({ + props: { + items: { + type: Array, + required: true + }, + direction: { + type: String, + required: false, + default: "down" + }, + reversed: { + type: Boolean, + required: false, + default: false + }, + noGap: { + type: Boolean, + required: false, + default: false + }, + ad: { + type: Boolean, + required: false, + default: false + } + }, + setup(props, {slots, expose}) { + const $style = useCssModule(); + function getDateText(time) { + const date = new Date(time).getDate(); + const month = new Date(time).getMonth() + 1; + return i18n.t("monthAndDay", { + month: month.toString(), + day: date.toString() + }); + } + if (props.items.length === 0) return; + const renderChildrenImpl = () => props.items.map((item, i) => { + if (!slots || !slots.default) return; + const el = slots.default({ + item + })[0]; + if (el.key == null && item.id) el.key = item.id; + if (i !== props.items.length - 1 && new Date(item.createdAt).getDate() !== new Date(props.items[i + 1].createdAt).getDate()) { + const separator = h("div", { + class: $style["separator"], + key: item.id + ":separator" + }, h("p", { + class: $style["date"] + }, [h("span", { + class: $style["date-1"] + }, [h("i", { + class: \`ti ti-chevron-up \${$style["date-1-icon"]}\` + }), getDateText(item.createdAt)]), h("span", { + class: $style["date-2"] + }, [getDateText(props.items[i + 1].createdAt), h("i", { + class: \`ti ti-chevron-down \${$style["date-2-icon"]}\` + })])])); + return [el, separator]; + } else { + if (props.ad && item._shouldInsertAd_) { + return [h(MkAd, { + key: item.id + ":ad", + prefer: ["horizontal", "horizontal-big"] + }), el]; + } else { + return el; + } + } + }); + const renderChildren = () => { + const children = renderChildrenImpl(); + if (isDebuggerEnabled(6864)) { + const nodes = children.flatMap(node => node ?? []); + const keys = new Set(nodes.map(node => node.key)); + if (keys.size !== nodes.length) { + const id = crypto.randomUUID(); + const instances = stackTraceInstances(); + toast(instances.reduce((a, c) => \`\${a} at \${c.type.name}\`, \`[DEBUG_6864 (\${id})]: \${nodes.length - keys.size} duplicated keys found\`)); + console.warn({ + id, + debugId: 6864, + stack: instances + }); + } + } + return children; + }; + function onBeforeLeave(el) { + el.style.top = \`\${el.offsetTop}px\`; + el.style.left = \`\${el.offsetLeft}px\`; + } + function onLeaveCanceled(el) { + el.style.top = ""; + el.style.left = ""; + } + return () => h(defaultStore.state.animation ? TransitionGroup : "div", { + class: { + [$style["date-separated-list"]]: true, + [$style["date-separated-list-nogap"]]: props.noGap, + [$style["reversed"]]: props.reversed, + [$style["direction-down"]]: props.direction === "down", + [$style["direction-up"]]: props.direction === "up" + }, + ...defaultStore.state.animation ? { + name: "list", + tag: "div", + onBeforeLeave, + onLeaveCanceled + } : {} + }, { + default: renderChildren + }); + } +}); +const reversed = "xxiZh"; +const separator = "xxeDx"; +const date = "xxawD"; +const style0 = { + "date-separated-list": "xfKPa", + "date-separated-list-nogap": "xf9zr", + "direction-up": "x7AeO", + "direction-down": "xBIqc", + reversed: reversed, + separator: separator, + date: date, + "date-1": "xwtmh", + "date-1-icon": "xsNPa", + "date-2": "x1xvw", + "date-2-icon": "x9ZiG" +}; +const cssModules = { + "$style": style0 +}; +const MkDateSeparatedList = _export_sfc(_sfc_main, [["__cssModules", cssModules]]); +export {MkDateSeparatedList as M}; +`.slice(1)); +}); diff --git a/packages/frontend/lib/rollup-plugin-unwind-css-module-class-name.ts b/packages/frontend/lib/rollup-plugin-unwind-css-module-class-name.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a18f0d9049 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/frontend/lib/rollup-plugin-unwind-css-module-class-name.ts @@ -0,0 +1,275 @@ +import { generate } from 'astring'; +import * as estree from 'estree'; +import { walk } from '../node_modules/estree-walker/src/index.js'; +import type * as estreeWalker from 'estree-walker'; +import type { Plugin } from 'vite'; + +function isFalsyIdentifier(identifier: estree.Identifier): boolean { + return identifier.name === 'undefined' || identifier.name === 'NaN'; +} + +function normalizeClassWalker(tree: estree.Node): string | null { + if (tree.type === 'Identifier') return isFalsyIdentifier(tree) ? '' : null; + if (tree.type === 'Literal') return typeof tree.value === 'string' ? tree.value : ''; + if (tree.type === 'BinaryExpression') { + if (tree.operator !== '+') return null; + const left = normalizeClassWalker(tree.left); + const right = normalizeClassWalker(tree.right); + if (left === null || right === null) return null; + return `${left}${right}`; + } + if (tree.type === 'TemplateLiteral') { + if (tree.expressions.some((x) => x.type !== 'Literal' && (x.type !== 'Identifier' || !isFalsyIdentifier(x)))) return null; + return tree.quasis.reduce((a, c, i) => { + const v = i === tree.quasis.length - 1 ? '' : (tree.expressions[i] as Partial).value; + return a + c.value.raw + (typeof v === 'string' ? v : ''); + }, ''); + } + if (tree.type === 'ArrayExpression') { + const values = tree.elements.map((treeNode) => { + if (treeNode === null) return ''; + if (treeNode.type === 'SpreadElement') return normalizeClassWalker(treeNode.argument); + return normalizeClassWalker(treeNode); + }); + if (values.some((x) => x === null)) return null; + return values.join(' '); + } + if (tree.type === 'ObjectExpression') { + const values = tree.properties.map((treeNode) => { + if (treeNode.type === 'SpreadElement') return normalizeClassWalker(treeNode.argument); + let x = treeNode.value; + let inveted = false; + while (x.type === 'UnaryExpression' && x.operator === '!') { + x = x.argument; + inveted = !inveted; + } + if (x.type === 'Literal') { + if (inveted === !x.value) { + return treeNode.key.type === 'Identifier' ? treeNode.computed ? null : treeNode.key.name : treeNode.key.type === 'Literal' ? treeNode.key.value : ''; + } else { + return ''; + } + } + if (x.type === 'Identifier') { + if (inveted !== isFalsyIdentifier(x)) { + return ''; + } else { + return null; + } + } + return null; + }); + if (values.some((x) => x === null)) return null; + return values.join(' '); + } + console.error(`Unexpected node type: ${tree.type}`); + return null; +} + +export function normalizeClass(tree: estree.Node): string | null { + const walked = normalizeClassWalker(tree); + return walked && walked.replace(/^\s+|\s+(?=\s)|\s+$/g, ''); +} + +export function unwindCssModuleClassName(ast: estree.Node): void { + (walk as typeof estreeWalker.walk)(ast, { + enter(node, parent): void { + if (parent?.type !== 'Program') return; + if (node.type !== 'VariableDeclaration') return; + if (node.declarations.length !== 1) return; + if (node.declarations[0].id.type !== 'Identifier') return; + const name = node.declarations[0].id.name; + if (node.declarations[0].init?.type !== 'CallExpression') return; + if (node.declarations[0].init.callee.type !== 'Identifier') return; + if (node.declarations[0].init.callee.name !== '_export_sfc') return; + if (node.declarations[0].init.arguments.length !== 2) return; + if (node.declarations[0].init.arguments[0].type !== 'Identifier') return; + const ident = node.declarations[0].init.arguments[0].name; + if (!ident.startsWith('_sfc_main')) return; + if (node.declarations[0].init.arguments[1].type !== 'ArrayExpression') return; + if (node.declarations[0].init.arguments[1].elements.length === 0) return; + const __cssModulesIndex = node.declarations[0].init.arguments[1].elements.findIndex((x) => { + if (x?.type !== 'ArrayExpression') return false; + if (x.elements.length !== 2) return false; + if (x.elements[0]?.type !== 'Literal') return false; + if (x.elements[0].value !== '__cssModules') return false; + if (x.elements[1]?.type !== 'Identifier') return false; + return true; + }); + if (!~__cssModulesIndex) return; + const cssModuleForestName = ((node.declarations[0].init.arguments[1].elements[__cssModulesIndex] as estree.ArrayExpression).elements[1] as estree.Identifier).name; + const cssModuleForestNode = parent.body.find((x) => { + if (x.type !== 'VariableDeclaration') return false; + if (x.declarations.length !== 1) return false; + if (x.declarations[0].id.type !== 'Identifier') return false; + if (x.declarations[0].id.name !== cssModuleForestName) return false; + if (x.declarations[0].init?.type !== 'ObjectExpression') return false; + return true; + }) as unknown as estree.VariableDeclaration; + const moduleForest = new Map((cssModuleForestNode.declarations[0].init as estree.ObjectExpression).properties.flatMap((property) => { + if (property.type !== 'Property') return []; + if (property.key.type !== 'Literal') return []; + if (property.value.type !== 'Identifier') return []; + return [[property.key.value as string, property.value.name as string]]; + })); + const sfcMain = parent.body.find((x) => { + if (x.type !== 'VariableDeclaration') return false; + if (x.declarations.length !== 1) return false; + if (x.declarations[0].id.type !== 'Identifier') return false; + if (x.declarations[0].id.name !== ident) return false; + return true; + }) as unknown as estree.VariableDeclaration; + if (sfcMain.declarations[0].init?.type !== 'CallExpression') return; + if (sfcMain.declarations[0].init.callee.type !== 'Identifier') return; + if (sfcMain.declarations[0].init.callee.name !== 'defineComponent') return; + if (sfcMain.declarations[0].init.arguments.length !== 1) return; + if (sfcMain.declarations[0].init.arguments[0].type !== 'ObjectExpression') return; + const setup = sfcMain.declarations[0].init.arguments[0].properties.find((x) => { + if (x.type !== 'Property') return false; + if (x.key.type !== 'Identifier') return false; + if (x.key.name !== 'setup') return false; + return true; + }) as unknown as estree.Property; + if (setup.value.type !== 'FunctionExpression') return; + const render = setup.value.body.body.find((x) => { + if (x.type !== 'ReturnStatement') return false; + return true; + }) as unknown as estree.ReturnStatement; + if (render.argument?.type !== 'ArrowFunctionExpression') return; + if (render.argument.params.length !== 2) return; + const ctx = render.argument.params[0]; + if (ctx.type !== 'Identifier') return; + if (ctx.name !== '_ctx') return; + if (render.argument.body.type !== 'BlockStatement') return; + for (const [key, value] of moduleForest) { + const cssModuleTreeNode = parent.body.find((x) => { + if (x.type !== 'VariableDeclaration') return false; + if (x.declarations.length !== 1) return false; + if (x.declarations[0].id.type !== 'Identifier') return false; + if (x.declarations[0].id.name !== value) return false; + return true; + }) as unknown as estree.VariableDeclaration; + if (cssModuleTreeNode.declarations[0].init?.type !== 'ObjectExpression') return; + const moduleTree = new Map(cssModuleTreeNode.declarations[0].init.properties.flatMap((property) => { + if (property.type !== 'Property') return []; + const actualKey = property.key.type === 'Identifier' ? property.key.name : property.key.type === 'Literal' ? property.key.value : null; + if (typeof actualKey !== 'string') return []; + if (property.value.type === 'Literal') return [[actualKey, property.value.value as string]]; + if (property.value.type !== 'Identifier') return []; + const labelledValue = property.value.name; + const actualValue = parent.body.find((x) => { + if (x.type !== 'VariableDeclaration') return false; + if (x.declarations.length !== 1) return false; + if (x.declarations[0].id.type !== 'Identifier') return false; + if (x.declarations[0].id.name !== labelledValue) return false; + return true; + }) as unknown as estree.VariableDeclaration; + if (actualValue.declarations[0].init?.type !== 'Literal') return []; + return [[actualKey, actualValue.declarations[0].init.value as string]]; + })); + (walk as typeof estreeWalker.walk)(render.argument.body, { + enter(childNode) { + if (childNode.type !== 'MemberExpression') return; + if (childNode.object.type !== 'MemberExpression') return; + if (childNode.object.object.type !== 'Identifier') return; + if (childNode.object.object.name !== ctx.name) return; + if (childNode.object.property.type !== 'Identifier') return; + if (childNode.object.property.name !== key) return; + if (childNode.property.type !== 'Identifier') return; + const actualValue = moduleTree.get(childNode.property.name); + if (actualValue === undefined) return; + this.replace({ + type: 'Literal', + value: actualValue, + }); + }, + }); + (walk as typeof estreeWalker.walk)(render.argument.body, { + enter(childNode) { + if (childNode.type !== 'MemberExpression') return; + if (childNode.object.type !== 'MemberExpression') return; + if (childNode.object.object.type !== 'Identifier') return; + if (childNode.object.object.name !== ctx.name) return; + if (childNode.object.property.type !== 'Identifier') return; + if (childNode.object.property.name !== key) return; + if (childNode.property.type !== 'Identifier') return; + console.error(`Undefined style detected: ${key}.${childNode.property.name} (in ${name})`); + this.replace({ + type: 'Identifier', + name: 'undefined', + }); + }, + }); + (walk as typeof estreeWalker.walk)(render.argument.body, { + enter(childNode) { + if (childNode.type !== 'CallExpression') return; + if (childNode.callee.type !== 'Identifier') return; + if (childNode.callee.name !== 'normalizeClass') return; + if (childNode.arguments.length !== 1) return; + const normalized = normalizeClass(childNode.arguments[0]); + if (normalized === null) return; + this.replace({ + type: 'Literal', + value: normalized, + }); + }, + }); + } + if (node.declarations[0].init.arguments[1].elements.length === 1) { + this.replace({ + type: 'VariableDeclaration', + declarations: [{ + type: 'VariableDeclarator', + id: { + type: 'Identifier', + name: node.declarations[0].id.name, + }, + init: { + type: 'Identifier', + name: ident, + }, + }], + kind: 'const', + }); + } else { + this.replace({ + type: 'VariableDeclaration', + declarations: [{ + type: 'VariableDeclarator', + id: { + type: 'Identifier', + name: node.declarations[0].id.name, + }, + init: { + type: 'CallExpression', + callee: { + type: 'Identifier', + name: '_export_sfc', + }, + arguments: [{ + type: 'Identifier', + name: ident, + }, { + type: 'ArrayExpression', + elements: node.declarations[0].init.arguments[1].elements.slice(0, __cssModulesIndex).concat(node.declarations[0].init.arguments[1].elements.slice(__cssModulesIndex + 1)), + }], + }, + }], + kind: 'const', + }); + } + }, + }); +} + +// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-default-export +export default function pluginUnwindCssModuleClassName(): Plugin { + return { + name: 'UnwindCssModuleClassName', + renderChunk(code): { code: string } { + const ast = this.parse(code) as unknown as estree.Node; + unwindCssModuleClassName(ast); + return { code: generate(ast) }; + }, + }; +} diff --git a/packages/frontend/package.json b/packages/frontend/package.json index 84f3d9ce63..6720a5939b 100644 --- a/packages/frontend/package.json +++ b/packages/frontend/package.json @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ "@vitejs/plugin-vue": "4.2.3", "@vue-macros/reactivity-transform": "0.3.8", "@vue/compiler-sfc": "3.3.4", + "astring": "1.8.5", "autosize": "6.0.1", "broadcast-channel": "4.20.2", "browser-image-resizer": "github:misskey-dev/browser-image-resizer#v2.2.1-misskey.3", @@ -39,6 +40,7 @@ "cropperjs": "2.0.0-beta.2", "date-fns": "2.30.0", "escape-regexp": "0.0.1", + "estree-walker": "^3.0.3", "eventemitter3": "5.0.1", "gsap": "3.11.5", "idb-keyval": "6.2.1", @@ -116,7 +118,7 @@ "@typescript-eslint/parser": "5.59.5", "@vitest/coverage-c8": "0.31.1", "@vue/runtime-core": "3.3.4", - "astring": "1.8.5", + "acorn": "^8.8.2", "chokidar-cli": "3.0.0", "cross-env": "7.0.3", "cypress": "12.13.0", diff --git a/packages/frontend/src/components/MkAchievements.vue b/packages/frontend/src/components/MkAchievements.vue index d30037dcf9..3fdb261dac 100644 --- a/packages/frontend/src/components/MkAchievements.vue +++ b/packages/frontend/src/components/MkAchievements.vue @@ -3,7 +3,14 @@
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  • {{ i18n.ts.selectUser }}
  • -
      1. {{ hashtag }}
      2. diff --git a/packages/frontend/src/components/MkButton.vue b/packages/frontend/src/components/MkButton.vue index 6de6a4cc70..16e44ec618 100644 --- a/packages/frontend/src/components/MkButton.vue +++ b/packages/frontend/src/components/MkButton.vue @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ @click="emit('click', $event)" @mousedown="onMousedown" > -
        @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ :to="to" @mousedown="onMousedown" > -
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