  • Joined on 2024-01-28
sunwoo1524 pushed to main at sunwoo1524/mastofeed 2024-11-10 13:28:38 +09:00
7eba1ebfec Fix: typo in code to find user in blacklist
sunwoo1524 pushed to main at sunwoo1524/mastofeed 2024-11-03 18:11:28 +09:00
b676ba7429 Feat: user blacklist
a7e1aae744 Refactor: user handle validation function
Compare 2 commits »
sunwoo1524 pushed to main at sunwoo1524/mastofeed 2024-11-03 02:08:55 +09:00
98b4954065 Fix: f-string syntax error in
sunwoo1524 pushed to main at sunwoo1524/mastodon-random-sentence-bot 2024-07-04 18:18:31 +09:00
49507b0f1c update for mastodon version
62558addcd migrate to mastodon version
Compare 2 commits »
sunwoo1524 created repository sunwoo1524/mastodon-random-sentence-bot 2024-07-04 15:10:41 +09:00
sunwoo1524 pushed to main at sunwoo1524/krll 2024-05-05 19:34:10 +09:00
ffdddbd25b add menu and make possible for admin to edit rule
c2495565d9 make possible for the admin to change server's name and host in .env
Compare 2 commits »
sunwoo1524 pushed to main at sunwoo1524/krll 2024-03-31 14:48:45 +09:00
258e4f8b55 add mit license
7bc580facb add readme and edit the titles of the frontend
7b8484267c fix some bugs, refector the code and add the favicon
Compare 3 commits »
sunwoo1524 pushed to main at sunwoo1524/krll 2024-03-30 18:23:40 +09:00
01d9d4f28f Merge pull request 'Enter to submit' (#1) from kdh8219/krll:feat/enter-to-submit into main
868d28c48f [feat] enter키로 shorten 가능
ffdd89f9b8 [feat] reposiotry url 추가
Compare 3 commits »
sunwoo1524 merged pull request sunwoo1524/krll#1 2024-03-30 18:23:38 +09:00
Enter to submit
sunwoo1524 pushed to main at sunwoo1524/krll 2024-02-19 20:44:00 +09:00
6d6297c3d7 use jinja2 template engine and add about page
sunwoo1524 pushed to main at sunwoo1524/krll 2024-02-19 14:38:03 +09:00
sunwoo1524 created branch main in sunwoo1524/krll 2024-02-19 14:38:03 +09:00
sunwoo1524 created repository sunwoo1524/krll 2024-02-19 14:20:34 +09:00
sunwoo1524 closed issue sunwoo1524/samsung-stock-mastodon-bot#1 2024-02-11 22:11:41 +09:00
[feat] "드디어 8만전자 달성!“ 메시지를 8만전자 달성 1회시만 동작하도록 수정
sunwoo1524 commented on issue sunwoo1524/samsung-stock-mastodon-bot#1 2024-02-11 22:11:41 +09:00
[feat] "드디어 8만전자 달성!“ 메시지를 8만전자 달성 1회시만 동작하도록 수정

스토리지를 DM으로 쓰는게 참신하긴 한데 뭔가 뭔가 그래서(?

대신에 빈 파일을 8만원 달성 여부를 저장하는 용도로 사용하도록 업데이트했습니다.…

sunwoo1524 pushed to main at sunwoo1524/samsung-stock-mastodon-bot 2024-02-11 22:09:04 +09:00
a0a2beb1e1 update to post only once a note which post when samsung's stock is 80000 won
sunwoo1524 pushed to main at sunwoo1524/misskey-brainfuck 2024-02-11 00:51:05 +09:00
f115e57a64 readme
sunwoo1524 pushed to main at sunwoo1524/misskey-brainfuck 2024-02-11 00:42:06 +09:00
f606d5c1ea init
sunwoo1524 created branch main in sunwoo1524/misskey-brainfuck 2024-02-11 00:42:06 +09:00
sunwoo1524 created repository sunwoo1524/misskey-brainfuck 2024-02-11 00:41:44 +09:00